Help us make sure we don’t lose these incredibly precious creatures. When you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, you feel more joy than at any other time in your life. Rhinos are mighty herbivores that are typically mild and non-aggressive animals unless threatened or in danger, then it will charge. The Rhinoceros or Rhino is one of the biggest and extremely primitive looking mammals, so it hints at primal energies and raw power. It lives deep inside you and is an internal emotion that does not change because of your circumstance. The problem is that when we try to take control into our own hands, we take it out of the hands of God. The rhinoceros is an incredibly strong mammal known for its size, power and threatening horn that sits right on the top of it’s head. Poaching of rhinos for rhino horn is still a huge threat, and the poachers have got increasingly better equipped. The word choose gives humans the control. Theres a koan that says, Enter there, which can mean wherever you are. However recently white rhino numbers have been declining due to a surge in poaching, with 15,942 remaining in the wild today. Sadly there are no individuals from the ‘northern’ subspecies of white rhinos left in the wild, and only a handful in captivity.įor the black rhino (slightly smaller, with a more pointed top lip) the worst period was between 19, when around 96% of them were lost to wide-scale poaching. Inquiring Mind: The subtitle of your book is Zen Koans to Bring You Joy, but.

The ‘southern’ subspecies of white rhinos is a conservation success story and had been helped back from under 100 in 1895 to over 20,000 individuals. Poaching of rhinos for their horns and habitat loss are huge threats to both white and black rhinos. The rhinoceros is Africa’s armoured giant – like a tank on legs – and has been on our planet for millions of years. When a rhinoceros totem presents itself to you in a dream, it is suggesting that you should push forward toward your goals, calling upon your internal strength and resilience to achieve what you want.